Just to show that we’re actually making a game here…, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

I just noticed that the past several entries have shown us in meetings or interviews, but don’t let that fool you. We’re still spending the bulk of our days developing video games. Here’s a little peek.

Interviewing potential gameplay programmers., originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

Applicants must complete several phases of interviews to finally sit across the table from these guys. The in-person interview is the final stage. We’ve interviewed many people over the phone and through email, but few have earned the opportunity to visit our office for this final stage of the interview process. Candidates must be not only talented in their given fields but also versatile enough to add their opinions and ideas to game design. As a small studio, most of us wear multiple hats, and our game designs aren’t driven by a single powerhouse Game Designer. The entire team participates in design, so we’re very picky about who we invite through our doors.

Animation meeting

May 30, 2007

Animation meeting, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

We’re figuring out which animations are necessary for our Vertical Slice milestone, the final prototype before we go into ful production.

Concept art for our PR firm, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

Gamecock’s PR firm in New York City, Sandbox Strategies, received a boost to their décor when we sent them some of the wall-sized canvas mounted printouts of Frank’s concept art. We think the jaunty angle at which it’s hung was intentional.


Team-wide level review, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

Before we start fully detailing our levels, the entire team sits down to review the layout and design. We’re a small enough team that we can all pitch in ideas and suggestions to improve the levels in the early stages. A lot of exciting results come from meetings like this. Seeing the environments in a rough block-out form encourages ideas that didn’t occur when we first mapped out the levels.

New team mate.

May 1, 2007

New team mate., originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

Animator Chris Johnson joined us today. He came into the office just in time to join an intense day-long design meeting. Welcome to the team. Now design!