Game On Austin

October 16, 2009


In case you missed it last night, Red Fly was one of many studios participating in Game On Austin last night. We showcased Ghostbusters and Cook or Be Cooked for the Wii. The event was open to the public, and many people got to have hands-on experience with our latest videogames.

Grace and Tim get everything set up Red Fly's setup at Game On Austin
The crowd gathers Ghostbusters and Cook or Be Cooked drew a sizable crowd

Everyone loves busting ghosts

New York Comic Con Recap

February 9, 2009

Josh Parker, Cinema & Effects Artist at Red Fly Studio, reported back from his adventure to the New York Comic Con where he and James Clarendon demoed the Wii version of Ghostbusters the Videogame for the press and fans.

Trip Recap

Comic Con was absolutely great to go to. I feel extremely fortunate for this opportunity.  The day is long and your feet are bleeding inside your shoes by the end of the day, but just getting to see fan’s faces playing the game you’ve helped to create makes it more than worth it.

nycc21Friday was press-only for the first half of the day (10am to 1pm), James meeting me at the hotel and the two of us walking west to the Javits convention center there in Manhattan…I think it was around 8 or 9 blocks, but being a noob to New York I liked the chance to look around as we walked along.

We met up with Glenn Gamble (Lead Environment Artist and FX Artist) from Terminal Reality. Nice guy, very energetic and bouncing all over the place during his demos. For whatever reason TRI had sent only him, which made his day absolute hell. It was really, really busy splitting everything between James and myself, but poor Glenn had both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions up on screens he had to dance between. glenn_file

Saturday was wide open to the public, and James and I were surprised to find a 400 pound block of ice sculpture showing Slimer above the Atari logo.  It turned out to be a smash hit with all of the fans coming by and taking pictures posing with it (or licking it).  Slimer’s arm ended up falling off that evening once it thinned down from melting.


Player Reactions

Reactions were extremely positive. The second they did the bowling gesture with the nunchuck to throw the trap out, their faces lit up. Several people thanked Red Fly for making this game, saying how long they’ve waited for something like this to happen: Guys our age and younger, little kids that know the franchise from their parents, moms asking a lot of questions and excited the Wii version was a more viable alternative for their kids to play on.  It was great!



There were a lot of fans there, more Ghostbusters walking around than any other single franchise there (wel, maybe a tie with Star Wars).  I got some pics of everyone that came by dressed up, but I ended up missing a good dozen or so.

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Atari showed off Ghostbusters at the New York Comic Con over the weekend. Here are some highlights:

Early news about Atari’s line-up for the con featured Ghostbusters prominently, like this article on 411mania.

BuzzFocus talked to Programmer/Designer James Clarendon about what makes our version of Ghostbusters different than TRI’s Xbox360/PS3 verison.

Tom Endo at the Escapist is looking forward to living out some of his childhood fantasies of wrangling ghosts.

As always, GoNintendo offers their heart-felt support of our efforts.


IGN’s report of the event speaks highly of the potential of Ghostbusters on the Wii. ign_wii

Trish took top honors at Destructoid’s diorama contest. Congrats to all who participated. Your work was fantastic!

See her work here:

Go vote for your favorite entry in Destructoid’s Mushroom Men Diorama Contest!

Snagging some new fans for Mushroom Men at We The People, a day-long music festival in Los Angeles.

Mushroom Men at We the People

I’m amazed at how quickly little kids pick up this game. People came into Gamecock’s tent and let their children play the game. It’s encouraging that the game is accessible enough for a 5-year-old to pick up while remaining engrossing enough for their parents to play through.

Mushroom Men at We The People

The big projector beside Les Claypool’s stage displayed our logo during his set.

Destructoid is giving away this sweet Mushroom Men-themed bass guitar, signed by Les Claypool. All you have to do is create a Mushroom Men diorama. Arts and crafts time!

1Up says this about Mushroom Men:

The other big hit of the night was Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars, which releases in November. The game’s biggest fan was likely Mark-Paul Gosselaar’s son Michael, who could not put the game down — and he’s only four years old!

At the Austin Game Developer’s Conference.

New contest at Destructoid

September 5, 2008

Destructoid is offering up a kick-ass bass guitar signed by Les Claypool himself and other great Mushroom Men prizes to the best Mushroom Men diorama. See details at their site.

GoNintendo picked up the story, too. I like the comments on their site. Glad someone realized that we’re really interested in sparking creativity.