One week closer to shipping.

Gamecocks in the office

June 26, 2008

Gamecocks in the office, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

Mushroom Men’s publisher Gamecock is on-site today to check out the progress on the game.

As featured on IGN.


Thanks to all those who participated. Your feedback is improving the quality of Mushroom Men.

Lunchtime gaming

June 19, 2008

Lunchtime gaming, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

A common misconception is that working at a game studio means we play games all day. On the contrary, we generally reserve our playtime for the lunch hour or after work. It’s ironic that making games takes so much time and effort that we rarely have the bandwidth to actually play other games.

Mike over at Nintendo Fan Alliance has compiled a list of the fifty games he’s most looking forward to on the Nintendo Wii. Both of our games made the list!

Full-team level review

June 3, 2008

Full-team level review, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

It’s important that everyone be brought in from time to time to see the overall progress of the game. If too many team members work in isolation, details can fall through the cracks. So it’s critical to have the artists see their work implemented and programmers to see their systems function. There’s a risk that if someone buries themselves too deeply in a task, they’ll lose sight of the “big picture.” So we always encourage cross-discipline interactions to ensure that everything goes into the game as anticipated.

Red Fly Studio participates with the Austin branch of the International Game Developers Association. Mostly, it offers a chance for developers from local studios to meet together and have a good time.

A respectable turnout for a Monday night

Mike prepares a set. He and Matt from Gl33k will be DJ-ing the event. That’s Kain over there, the ringleader of this little circus.

IGDA Austin mixer at Creekside Lounge, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

It was a great time. A little too dark for my Sidekick, but trust me, it was fun.

The Mysterious H and Class President set up their gear And the music didn't stop