
This month’s developer’s diary talks about how Red Fly Studio and Terminal Reality developed Ghostbusters with a great deal of respect to the source material. We all grew up fans of Ghostbusters–like most of you reading this–so we knew that certain details could not be skipped when putting the proton wand into the hands of the fans.
destructoid_wii Dyson at Destructoid saw our earliest demo of Cook or Be Cooked and seems to “get it.” I’ve seen a lot of user comments complaining that this doesn’t look like an exciting game, but Destructoid understands that it isn’t a traditional “game” as such. It falls more along the lines of Wii Fit than Super Mario Galaxy. It’s meant to enrich your life by using the Wii to improve your knowledge and abilities in the kitchen.
We’ve been hard at work on this project for months but until the official announcement, we couldn’t say anything about it. We’re very excited about Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked. ign_wii
It’s a completely different branch of the industry than our previous work, and it’s very comfortable spreading Red Fly Studio out across a wide spectrum of the video game world.

From a big fan

April 23, 2009

11-year-old Frankie Limaldi is a big Mushroom Men fan. He likes the little guys so much, he constructed Lego versions of them. Thanks Frankie!


Jon Christensen at /gamer is quick to point out that the version of Ghostbusters we’re developing for the Wii hasn’t gotten nearly as much attention as its high-poly Xbox360/PS3 counterpart. That changed today when an official Wii-only trailer hit the internet.

The user comments accompanying GoNintendo’s report of the video are very, very encouraging. gonin
Steven Williamson at HEXUS Gaming bestowed their Editor’s Choice award to Mushroom Men.

“With its unique art style, delightful musical score and range of quirky characters, Mushroom Men: Spore Wars overflows with personality and charm.”

Tom Orry at Videogamer.com reviewed Mushroom Men well, saying that the game combines “solid platforming gameplay with a wonderful art style and superb audio work.”

From the mouth of babes

April 14, 2009

Ten-year-old Lesha reports on her experience with Mushroom Men at the Ready Up Juniors review section.

boomtown Iain Lowson at Boomtown describes Mushroom Men as:

“…a quirky, well-executed platformer that doesn’t overstay its welcome.”

n-europe Mark Lee at N-Europe has some very nice things to say about Mushroom Men.

“Every scene is a treat to explore, with surprises literally around every corner looking like something from Tim Burton’s nightmares!”