Full-team level review

June 3, 2008

Full-team level review, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

It’s important that everyone be brought in from time to time to see the overall progress of the game. If too many team members work in isolation, details can fall through the cracks. So it’s critical to have the artists see their work implemented and programmers to see their systems function. There’s a risk that if someone buries themselves too deeply in a task, they’ll lose sight of the “big picture.” So we always encourage cross-discipline interactions to ensure that everything goes into the game as anticipated.

Back to work

April 7, 2008

Back to work, originally uploaded by Red Fly Studio.

Before noon, everyone is in their new spots and back to work.

We’ve moved in the furniture. The space is starting to take shape.
Pro tip: Click the image to go to the flickr stream and then click the All Sizes button above the image to see the original, massive image in full detail.
Main conference room
The second pit
The new breakroom
180-degree pan of the main pit
From the northeast

Although we’ve done our best to leave the center of the artist’s pit open for ease of navigation, the office space is starting to get cramped with two teams working at full capacity.

Red Fly Studio - Reverse Angle

A large portion of the team

January 25, 2008

I was sitting at the conference table, so I could only catch about 70% of the team, but here’s a group photo during an end-of-the-week meeting in which we caught the team up on all that transpired during our two-day-long design and planning meetings with Sierra and sister studio Terminal Reality. Ghostbusters is in full production, and our few remaining months have been mapped out with pinpoint precision.